vegan shopping list

My Vegan shopping list (Written by Carrie.  Make sure you check ingredients for hidden animal products)

Black beans cans (black bean soup,salads,burritos and bowls)
Canned petite diced tomatoes (tomato Basil soup and salsa)
Chickpeas cans (hummus &salads)
Kidney bean cans (salads and chili)
Nutritional yeast (to make cheeses, can be put on popcorn for flavor!)
Brown rice
Wheat flour
tapioca flour (great for making naan)
Vegan cheese
Firm tofu
Non-dairy milk (Soy, Almond, Coconut, etc)
Coconut milk (whole milk w fat.  usually in cans in the US)
Whole wheat pasta
“Butter” Pam
Sun-dried tomatoes
Tomato paste
Corn tortilla chips
Pita bread, tortillas -whole wheat or corn
Dried fruit (dates for making caramel in snickers!)
Avocados (make guac and put portion size scoops in freezer - take out an hour before you want to use and it keeps nice and green.  Also used in dressings and on salad and for Avocado fudge!)
Olive oil
Balsamic vinegar
Turmeric Spice
Ground Cinnamon
Cocoa powder
Chia and flax seeds
Nuts (any kind for snacks)
Cashews are a must for making cheese and sauces, pestos and creamers
Peanuts or all natural peanut butter
Oatmeal, rolled oat for making snickers :)
Kale /Spinach (I buy fresh and throw in zip lock in the freezer- breaks up easily for smoothies)
Lots of bananas/pineapple/berries, etc. for the freezer
Eggplant/mushrooms (just grill in pan and put in spaghetti sauce)
Broccoli* and bok choy (cruciferous veges for smoothie and stir fry)
*If you get frozen broccoli add a little mustard powder to whatever you make (even smoothies) to bring out the best in your broccoli power.  A little is plenty and you can't taste it in smoothies.
Cucumbers (to slice up and put in container with vinegar and dill!)
All the fruits I like
All the veges I like for snacking with hummus, putting in stir fry and sneaking into soups and smoothies.


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